Price Engine: Options
Pricing Options
- Enable Price Engine: disables the whole functionality completely, i.e. you will get no price, availability or specification data at all. Please read the Privacy Statement before enabling.
- Price Engines List: you can select which price engines you want to use from the list. Not all price engines may work for your country, have the products listed or support all merchants - so disabling engines may mean you get no pricing data for some products at all.
- Privacy Statement: in order to enable Price functionality you need to agree that you have read and agreed to our Privacy Statement.
- Show Most Popular devices in each category: Display an additional tab showing the most popular devices in the respective category (CPU, video cards, etc.) based on what people buy from the price engine.
- Download and display pictures: downloads product pictures, if available, from the price feed and displays them in the charts.
- Include sales tax/VAT in price: calculate and include sales tax/VAT in the displayed price; for federal countries (USA, etc.) where sales tax/VAT differs from state to state you need to enter your ZIP/postcode to make this work.
- Include standard shipping in price: calculate and include standard/default shipping in the displayed price; for federal countries (USA, etc.) where shipping differs from state to state you need to enter your ZIP/postcode to make this work. The shipping may differ from merchant to merchant; the cost also differs depending on how quick you want the product.
- ZIP/PostCode: if you want the prices to include sales tax/VAT or/and shipping, in most cases you need to enter your ZIP/postcode to make this work. Even for non-federated countries with a single VAT rate or/and flat shipping to anywhere some price engines request this information.
- Validity: how regularly you want the information to be refreshed. If you really want the very latest pricing information, set it to 1 day.
- Language: the language of the returned information, if available. The value is read from your computer locale.
- Currency: the currency of the returned pricing, if available. The value is read from your computer locale.