Privacy: Who owns the data (scores) posted to the Ranker?
To our best belief at time of publication, based on the intepretation of UK law, we (SiSoftware) do.
Why do we think we own it and not you, the user?
Because the software (Sandra) generates it automatically rather than the user (you) and is not original.
You are not creating a document using the software (e.g. typing a letter into a word-processor, creating a picture camera, etc.), but generate a number (the score) automatically without any input from you. (effectively "pushing the button" to run the benchmark)
It is not original as there is no creativity involved and it is all automatic - you have no control onto what it does. As the result is just a number (the score) it would not expected to qualify as a "creative work".
Any other user with the same device (processor, disk, GPU, etc. running at supported configuration) is meant and likely will obtain exactly the same score within error range.
We thus believe the data (scores) does not fulfil the minimal requirements for originality to obtain a copyright on it and thus qualify you as the owner of it.
Note: As a result, as a matter of policy, we do not remove results posted to the Ranker, but may do so at our discretion. NDA embargoed results posted by users are the responsability of the user, not us (SiSoftware).
Note 2: As per Privacy Policy, we do not purposely collect any personal user information thus will not assist with user tracing for any purpose unless compelled by a court order.